2930 County Hwy NN
West Bend, WI 53095
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Preventative & Diagnostic Care
Fluoride is often called nature’s cavity fighter, and for good reason. This naturally occurring mineral helps prevent tooth decay by making the surface of our teeth (known as tooth enamel) stronger and more resistant to cavities.
How exactly does fluoride work?
Cavities are caused by bacteria that live in our mouths. They feed on leftover food they find there, including sugary foods and drinks. When these bacteria consume sugars, they release acids that attack tooth enamel. Over time, damage to this protective outer layer of our teeth sets the stage for tooth decay.
Fluoride helps fight cavities by repairing the damage these acids can do to our teeth. The repair process is called remineralization.
Dental X-rays are a useful diagnostic tool to help your dentist monitor your oral health over time. These images can confirm that your teeth are healthy or reveal damage or disease not visible during a dental exam, such as new cavities or impacted teeth.
Your dentist will review your history and examine your mouth to determine whether you need X-rays.
How often X-rays should be taken depends on
your present oral health
your age
your risk for disease
any signs and symptoms of oral disease
For example, children and teens may require X-rays more often than adults because their teeth and jaws are still developing.
If you are a new patient, your dentist may recommend X-rays to determine your current oral health and have a baseline to help identify changes that may occur later. If a previous dentist has any images of you, your new dentist may ask for copies instead of ordering new ones. Ask both dentists for help with forwarding your X-rays.
Scaling and root planing is a deep cleaning below the gumline used to treat gum disease.
Gum disease is caused by a sticky film of bacteria called plaque. Plaque is always forming on your teeth, but if they aren’t cleaned well, the bacteria in plaque can cause your gums to become inflamed. When this happens, your gums will pull away from your teeth and form spaces called pockets. Plaque then gets trapped in these pockets and cannot be removed with regular brushing. If untreated, gum disease could lead to bone and tooth loss.
If gum disease is caught early and hasn’t damaged the structures below the gum line, a professional cleaning should do. If the pockets between your gums and teeth are too deep, however, scaling and root planing may be needed.
Life hands us plenty of stress, and many people believe they have no choice but to just muddle through it. But our bodies often react to everyday pressures in surprising ways. For example, many people grind their teeth, especially in their sleep and often without knowing it. Getting a personalized mouthguard made will greatly help the cause and effects of this pain.
signs that you might be griding your teeth ​
Most people aren’t aware that they are clenching or grinding their teeth. Dentists and dental hygienists are often the first to notice the signs of teeth grinding, which include chipped or cracked teeth or worn, damaged spots along the edges of teeth. While most people grind their teeth while they’re sleeping, many also clench or grind during the day, especially when they’re feeling tense, worried or pressured.
If you are grinding your teeth, you might notice:
Pain or tenderness in your jaw
Dull headaches
Plugged, painful or itchy ears
Neck pain
Dental sealants are a thin, protective coating (made from plastic or other dental materials) that adheres to the chewing surface of your back teeth. They are not a substitute for brushing and flossing, but they can keep cavities from forming and may even stop early stages of decay from becoming a full-blown cavity.
Think of them as raincoats for your teeth. When the cavity-causing bacteria that live in everyone’s mouth meet leftover food particles, they produce acids that can create holes in teeth. These holes are cavities. After sealant has been applied it keeps those bits of food out and stops bacteria and acid from settling on your teeth—just like a raincoat keeps you clean and dry during a storm.
Children and adults can benefit from sealants, but the earlier you get them, the better. Your first molars appear around age 6, and second molars break through around age 12. Sealing these teeth as soon as they come through can keep them cavity-free from the start, which helps save time and money in the long run. Ask your dentist if sealants are a good option for you and your family.
Dentists are often the first health professionals to notice the signs of oral cancer, which can appear inside the mouth and throat or on the tonsils and tongue.
During your regular exam, your dentist will ask about changes in your medical history and whether you’ve been having any new or unusual symptoms. Next, they will check your lips, cheek lining, gums, tongue (front and back), the floor and roof of your mouth, your throat, tonsils and the area where your tongue meets the bottom of your mouth. Your jaw and neck will be examined for lumps or unusual signs.
Dental checkups can save your life by detecting oral cancer early. That’s one more good reason to see your dentist regularly for a thorough dental exam.
Even though your dental team checks for oral cancer each time you visit, it’s important for you to know the symptoms, too. Call your dentist right away if any of these issues last longer than two weeks:
A sore or irritation that doesn't go away
Red or white patches on your gums, tongue or lining of the mouth
Pain, tenderness or numbness in your mouth or lips
A lump, thickening, rough spot, crust or small rough area
Difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking or moving your tongue or jaw
A change in the way your teeth fit together when you close your mouth
Loose teeth or dentures that don’t fit well anymore
The feeling something is caught in your throat
Being hoarse, or noticing a change in your voice